Training is my passion, and I strongly believe that it is also my mission.

Alessio Firullo – Physical Trainer, born on July 18th 1981, from Pavia (Italy), married, father of two boys.

In 2000 graduated (80/100) at scientific high school “Taramelli”, master degree in Sport Science at University of Pavia in 2004 (108/110). Over the years, I gained an important experience on the tennis courts, continued training as physical trainer in volleyball (FIP certificate) and physical trainer in tennis 2nd level (FIT certificate). It’s exactly tennis and basketball where I focus my energy, although thanks to my experience as physical trainer, I often have a chance to follow other types of sport, thus helping the athletes who come to me to improve their performance (fencing, football, track and field, skiing, surfing, volleyball).

Studying and updating are essential to constantly improve myself and have the chance to offer something more, that is why in 2019 I attend an online course and get a certificate in Sports Nutrition via Barcelona University; nutrition is a subject very important nowadays and essential to implement in a strategy of training and competition.

At the age of 25 I gained a very useful experience abroad working as a unique physical trainer at tennis academy New Tennis Generation in Colonia, Germany (2006/2007). This period helped me a lot to grow both individually and professionally. Afterwards, I returned back to develop my career path in Italy.

Have a look at my CV.



This website is one of the ways to introduce myself as well as share and discuss the beautiful world of sport and training. I believe that this can serve me as additional possibility to develop myself professionally.

Nowadays, each time you meet someone and are curious to learn more about that person, you often just go on internet to search information about (happened also to me!)…this is why I would like that internet shows what I really do in the right way.

My internet page is very eclectic and can inspire athletes, their parents, colleagues or simply the ones with passion to sport and movement.



My working method is a fruit of both significant and constant number of hours spent between the  court, gym, as well as formation and participation in matches and tourneys. For me it’s crucial that the method is focused on continual evolution and growth, and used as a solid background with safe approach in training and at the same time to have open mind in solving the problems and adjusting the method to individual needs.

That’s because each person and athlete is different and in order to do their best, it’s necessary to follow their physical and psychological needs, as well as goals.

The “rehabilitation” side of my work as a personal trainer helped me a lot with that – if you are able to recognize, respect and solve the problems related to injuries or posture you understand better how to improve work performance of each individual.